Блог учителя английского языка МБОУ "Охор-Шибирская ООШ" Тункинского района Республики Бурятия Будашкаевой Л.Д.

вторник, 5 марта 2013 г.

Top 6 keys of beeing a successful teacher

  1. Sense of Humor

  2. A Positive Attitutude

  3. High Expectations

  4. Consistency

  5. Fairness

  6. Flexibility


    Top 10 Worst Things a Teacher Can Do

    1. Avoid smiling and being friendly with your students.

    2. Becoming friends with students while they are in class.

    3. Stop your lessons and confront students for minor infractions in class.

    4. Humiliate students to try and get them to behave.

    5. Yell.

    6. Give your control over to the students.

    7. Treat students differently based on personal likes and dislikes.

    8. Create rules that are essentially unfair.

    9. Gossip and complain about other teachers.

    10. Be inconsistent with grading and/or accepting late work.

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